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26Guidance on the Development of Typology and Classification Systems for Transitional and Coastal Waters
27Costs and benefits Associated with Remidiation of Contaminated Groundwater - A Review of the Issues
28Quantification of the relationship between effluent quality and biological quality : interim report for stage 1
29A report on water quality issues within the Midford Brook catchment - June 1996
30Microbiological examination of coastal waters in the North West : summary of results 1998
31An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1999. Environment Agency : AQC audit
32An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1999. Environment Agency : primary audit
33Further investigation of the pilot borehole at Bean's Lane, Wortham (94/7/912) : September 1994
34Economic evaluation of inland fisheries: The economic impact of freshwater angling in England and Wales
35Analysis of natural and polluted river communities in Great Britain- Progress report for the period April 1984- March 1988
36Economic appraisal and assessment of benefits in the PR04 environment programme : findings of an environment agency seminar, January 2003
37Summary report on blue-green algae toxin analysis, Toxicity Assessment and reporting to the Environment Agency, 1998
38Report on the millennium chalk streams fly trends study : a survey carried out in 2000 among 365 fly fishermen, fishery owners, club secretaries and river keepers