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151An appraisal of the options for the structure of the water resources function in Thames Region NRA
152The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales - The Chalk Of Berkshire And The Chilterns
153Sustainable water resources for the future : values and challenges : consultation document for the Environment Agency's water resources strategies : the Anglian perspective
154Radioactive Substances Act 1993 : response to comments on the Scope and methodology for the full re-examination of the Sellafield authorisations for the disposal of radioactive waste
155The water environment - our cultural heritage
156Snapshots of the environment : enhancing biodiversity
157The Sea Trout Stock Collapse, 1989-1992
158Aerial view of the River Laboratory
159Drought in the South : in depth
160Chew Magna : reducing the risk of flooding
161The Environment Agency's risk portfolio June 2000
162Reed cutter used at the River Lab
163Naturalisation of the Orton flow record
164The tideway storm problem May 1988
165Forestry and the Water Framework Directive
166A Laboratory in the River Lab
167Lake Mutanda in the Kigezi District
168The Conservation of Atlantic Salmon Habitat
169Protecting native crayfish in the Midlands
170Monitoring the trophic state of reservoirs
171Water Quality of the Humber Estuary 1986
172Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles
173Green Household Index - The Eco-Cal
174Guardians of the water environment (bilingual document)
175Pesticides in the aquatic environment 1996