1201 | Land drainage consent report : investigation of the conservation input into land drainage consents |
1202 | Electron Microscope Image: Filament of Oscillatoria being ingested by the ciliate Nassula tumida |
1203 | The government's policy for a public regulatory body in a privatised water industry |
1204 | The evaluation of a LTH BOM 1 hand-held dissolved oxygen meter (220/25/T) |
1205 | Less sensitive areas and candidate high natural dispersion areas in the North West region |
1206 | Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1990 : report of the National Rivers Authority |
1207 | Interpretation Of Optimisation In The Context Of A Disposal Facility For Long-Lived Radioactive Waste |
1208 | Two year aesthetic survey of beaches in the South West (1990 and 1991) |
1209 | The Impact of Pesticides on River Ecology: Phase 2: A study of headwater streams |
1210 | The Influence of Variations in Flow on General Quality Assessment of Rivers - Summary Document |
1211 | An Investigation of the Equivalent Resistance, Power Requirements and Field Characteristics of Electric Fishing Electrodes |
1212 | Annual classification of river water quality 1992 : numbers of samples exceeding the quality standard |
1213 | The Chemistry of Blended Cements and Backfills Intended for use in Radioactive Waste Disposal |
1214 | The consideration of social issues in environmental impact assessments of Agency flood defence schemes |
1215 | Darwell Transfer Scheme. Final Report Part III. Water quality in the Darwell Reservoir |
1216 | Water pollution incidents in England and Wales 1991 : report of the National Rivers Authority |
1217 | The Impact Of Grazing And Upland Management On Erosion And Runoff: Additional Information |
1218 | Extending Rutland yield analysis to 1933 : supporting documentation for the regional water resources strategy |
1219 | A report into the impact of small dam construction at Delford bridge, De Lank river |
1220 | Investigation into the intermittent failure of Wembury Beach to comply with EC bathing water |
1221 | The River Babingley. Volume 1 : executive summary : a report for National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region |
1222 | The effect of ferric dosing of lakes on benthic invertebrates : first year report |
1223 | An approach to hydrogeological assessment of Quaternary deposits in the UK: Part 2 Methodology and Testing |
1224 | Managing chemicals for a better environment : an introduction to the Environment Agency's strategy |
1225 | Review of flood defence practices on the Somerset Levels and Moors : document 3 : maps and figures |