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51Narrowboats on the Thames : useful hints and tips
52Locks and weirs on the river Thames : how do they work?
53Report of the Regional Environment Protection Advisory Committee (REPAC) for Thames Region of the Environment Agency : April 1999 - end of March 2000
54Planning application for the proposed Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme January 1991
55Space to live, space to play : a recreation strategy for the River Thames : appendices
56Thames 21 - a planning perspective and a sustainable strategy for the Thames Region : September 1995
57Future water resources in the Thames Region : a strategy for sustainable management : summary document
58Future water resources in the Thames Region : a strategy for sustainable management. June 1994
59Lower Colne catchment management plan for flood defence and the environment : third draft
60River restoration : a stepping stone to urban regeneration highlighting the opportunities in south London
61Analysis of natural and polluted river communities in Great Britain- Progress report for the period January-December 1987
62Thames estuary benthic programme : a site by site report on the results of macroinvertebrate surveys undertaken during 1990-91
63Creating a greenprint for London : An invitation to work with the Environment Agency towards a first-class environment for a world-class city
64Environmental assessment guidelines : a procedure for ensuring environmental factors are taken into account in the design and implementation of land drainage improvement works