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401Report on the control of discharges of titanium dioxide waste to the Humber Estuary : appendices
402The impact of industrial discharges on metal levels in biota of the West Cumbrian coast - 1990
403Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Wales (bilingual)
404Guide to the operation and management of the assessment information management system (AIMS)
4051967 - George Ganf completing the end wall of the living room with its new roof complete.
4061967 - The bedroom block almost ready for the IBP team to move in.
407Report on the control of discharges of titanium dioxide waste to the Humber Estuary : main report
408Salmon and sea trout fishing in the estuary of the River Tavy : a review
409The physical character of rivers and streams in the UK and Isle of Man
410Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for North East Region
411The Ribble fisheries management plan : a consultation document produced by the National Rivers Authority
412Investigation of the impact on water quality of the SWW Teign estuary sewerage trenching activity
413Rural sewage pollution in the '90s : report of the rural sewerage project 1993/4
414An Appraisal of Hydroacoustic Techniques for Monitoring the Spawning Migration of Shad in the River Wye
415Review of flood defence practices on the Somerset Levels and Moors : the report
416Using Macrophytes for the Environmental Assessment of Rivers: The Role of Sediment Nutrients
417Biological investigation into the impact of the storm overflow at Middle Marwood Sewage Treatment Works
418An investigation into the water quality of the River Waldon during wet weather
419Action plan for the management of salmon for the River Test : consultation document
420Investigation into the 1999 failure of the European Community bathing waters directive at Beer beach (2001)
421Impact of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and its associated crayfishery on the River Thame
422Getting afloat in the Midlands : a guide to using waterways in the region
423Protecting your future : tackling flooding in the Thames Estuary through the 21st century
424Review of the water abstraction charges scheme : consultation document : summary of responses to the consultation
425Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Midlands Region