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26Managing the Humber Estuary : the Environment Agency's approach
27Battling the tide : flood defences in the Anglian region
28Engineering the environment : profile of the Anglian Engineering Department
29Rivers of the Isle of Wight
30Chew Magna : reducing the risk of flooding
31Flood defences : the Lower Witham strategy
32The introduction of an effective market testing programme for the flood defence function of the National Rivers Authority in the North West Region : certificate in management
33Bewdley flood defences : the invisible defences
34Holding back the sea - ripples 3
35Coastal flooding in the North West
36Monitoring the coast for flood defence
37Refuse fill for the construction of seawalls
38The Recreational Use of Floodbanks Phase 1
39Beneath the town : safeguarding Bodmin from flooding
40Shrewsbury flood defences : the next steps
41The Restoration of Vegetation on Saltmarshes
42Factors affecting the dispersal of coarse fish
43Hydropower developments and the National Rivers Authority
44The Ely Ouse Essex water transfer scheme
45Links : an overview of the work of the Environment Agency in Devon : autumn/winter 2003
46Running with the tide : reconciling development pressures with flood risk and the environment
47Review of flood defence practices on the Somerset Levels and Moors : the appendices
48Review of flood defence practices on the Somerset Levels and Moors : the report
49Protecting your future : tackling flooding in the Thames Estuary through the 21st century
50Guidance notes for local planning authorities on the methods of protecting the water environment through development plans