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76'Sea Vigil' water quality monitoring : the Humber estuary 1992-1993
77Water resources for the future : a strategy for North East Region
78Impact of reservoir construction construction on the Bruckland Stream
79Protecting the environment through effective Environment Agency regulation and advice
80The Swale, Ure and Ouse catchment (river factfiles)
81The Don, Rother and Dearne catchment (river factfiles)
82Valuing the Humber's environmental assets : proceedings of a seminar 15 November 2000
83Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - West Area
84Partnership in planning : riverbank design guidance for the Tidal Thames
85State of the environment report for London 2001
86Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - North East Area
87Malodours and discolouration on the Wool Brook Sidmouth
88Water related recreation strategy for the southern region : consultation draft 1997
89The River Itchen salmon action plan : consultation document
90An investigation to determine the water quality of Churchstanton Stream
91Macroinvertebrates in the Kennet catchment : Part 1 - water quality monitoring
92Post drought soil water recharge : a study of the processes of recharge
93The Test catchment southern : recommendations for statutory water quality objectives
94A survey of ferruginous minewater impacts in the Welsh coalfields
95A survey of ferruginous minewater impacts in the Welsh coalfields
96The quality of rivers and estuaries in Northumbria region 1990
97An assessment of water quality in the River Yarty catchment
98Artificial recharge to groundwater in the Otter valley
99State of the environment report for Thames Region : first update 2001
100Investigation to determine the cause of the long-term BOD failure at Higher Weaver routine monitoring site (70532960) for 1995 and 1997