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26The Wear catchment (river factfiles)
27The River Thames phosphate model
28Phosphorus in the Thames catchment
29The Environment Agency's state of the environment report for Thames Region
30The investigation of the Taff litter problem : report no. PL/EAE/89/2
31Air quality report for the Anglian Region of the Environment Agency 1999
32Investigation into the cause of high pH in the Budleigh Brook
33A report on the investigation of the Taff litter problem
34Hysim model : modelling the flows of the River Deben
35Investigation into the probable cause of the 1999 failure of the EC bathing waters directive at Seaton (Devon) beach (70210103) (2000)
36Planning for the rising tides - the Humber Estuary - consultation on managed realignment: information for the landowners and tenants - June 2002
37The impact of ferruginous minewater break-outs on the environmental quality of the Rivers Rhymney, Ebbw and Sirhowy : summary report
38A Laboratory in the River Lab
39Navigations in the Anglian region (EA)
40Environmental snapshot for the Anglian region 2002
41Humber estuary : state of the environment 1998
42Marine safety in the Harbour of Rye
43Fishery survey of the River Axe catchment
44Recreational waterways in the Anglian region : byelaws
45A brief guide to the thames
46We care for the environment : could you?
47What's happening in the North East
48The Nidd and Wharfe catchment (river factfiles)
49Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Southern region
50Rising groundwater levels in the chalk-basal sands aquifer of the Central London basin : April 2000