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101Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1992 : report of the National Rivers Authority
102Development of the Acid Water Indicator Community (AWIC) Macroinvertebrate Family and Species Level
103An environmental assessment of mercury in mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) in the Mersey Estuary : final report
104A review of the industrial uses of continuous monitoring systems : minerals industry processes
105Monitoring the effects of a combined sewer overflow discharge to a small watercourse in South Wales
106Analysis of bacteriological contamination and accumulation of metals and organics in the mussel (Mytilus edulis)
107Evaluating the impact of groundwater abstraction on key conservation sites, final report : Yare Broads and marshes (Strumpshaw Fen)
108River Glen : river channel assessment : annex B : an analysis of invertebrate records for the River Glen 1976-1991
109Gorran Haven (Little Perhaver) EC bathing waters directive failure 1996 : an investigation of the Gorran Haven Stream
110Endocrine Modulating Effects of Wastewater Treatment Works Effluents: 'Sensitive Windows' for inducing germ-cell intersex in the Roach (Rutilus rutilus)
111Developing Quality Assurance for Fish Counter Data - Phase 1: An Assessment of the Salmonid Fish Counter Network in England and Wales
112A review of the industrial uses of continuous monitoring systems : incineration processes : a report produced for NCCA and ETSU by Entec
113Investigating the feasibility of using neural networks to derive chlorophyll a prediction algorithms for case 2 waters
114Swatcatch : a catchment scale model for predicting weekly river flows and pesticide concentrations : SSLRC report to the environment agency TAPS centre contract no : 82/3169
115An audit of performance in the primary analysis of standard biological macro-invertebrate samples in 2001 : Environment Agency CEH Report Ref: COO 158/23