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51A guide to the National Centre for Risk Analysis and Options Appraisal
52Impact assessment of acidic and metalliferous pollution in the Fowley Stream
53Review of fishery regulations on the Rivers Taw and Torridge
54Instream Flow Requirements of the River Wissey, Norfolk, Annex C - April 1993
55Final report of the Stock Assessment Task Group
56Fact sheet for the RBCA tool kit for chemical releases
57The River Alt/Crossens fish stock assessment 2001
58Hams Hall Power Station. A survey of the flora and fauna of freshwater habitats in the environs of Hams Hall Power Station, Birmingham
59High level principles for OPRA-based schemes : guidance on the development and implementation of risk rating and regulatory resource planning systems in the Environment Agency
60Interim review of drought management experience in the North West Region of the National Rivers Authority. lessons learned (29th June 1995 - March 31st 1996)
61A review of factors affecting the abundance and catch of spring salmon fom the River Wye and elsewhere, and proposals for stock maintenance and enhancement
62Road transport and the environment risk assessment and options appraisal : final summary report
63A Review Of The Treatment Of Criticality In Post-Closure Safety Assessment Of Radioactive Waste Disposal
64Review of the Potential Effects of Alkaline Plume Migration from a Cementitious Repository for Radioactive Waste.
65The investigation of phytoplankton dynamics in coastal waters using aerial surveillance case study 3
66A Proposed Scheme To Ensure The Quality Of Data Generated By Laboratories Undertaking Regulatory Ecotoxicological Testing
67National Centre for Risk Analysis and Options Appraisal guidance on economic appraisal in the Environment Agency
68Biological characteristics and exploitation of sea trout in the River Tywi during 1989
69Impact assessment of Meldon quarry on water quality in the West Okement river
70The consideration of social issues in environmental impact assessments of Agency flood defence schemes
71The River Babingley. Volume 1 : executive summary : a report for National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region
72The hydrological effects of demand management : project definition stage report : 28th May 1996
73Guidance on the assessment and interrogation of subsurface analytical contaminant fate and transport models (NC/99/38/1)
74A guide to environmental forecasting at the National Centre for Risk Analysis and Options Appraisal
75A guide to risk analysis at the National Centre for Risk Analysis and Options Appraisal