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101Final report of the controlled cohort investigations into the health effects of bathing in sewage contaminated coastal waters
102Procedure for quality assurance for RIVPACS compatible macro-invertebrate samples analysed to the taxonomic level needed for the BMWP-score system
103Report on the quality of bathing waters in Hampshire, Sussex, Kent and the Isle of Wight : 1992 bathing season
104An assessment of the causes of non-compliance with river quality standards within the River Tiddy catchment (1989-1991)
105(3) The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales: The Permo-Triassic Sandstones Of Cumbria, North-West England;
106Investigation into the 1999 failure of the European Community bathing waters directive at Teignmouth Town Beach (2001)
107A review of the quality and status of the Suffolk and Essex estuaries and coastal waters : volume 1 : final draft
108Water quality objectives: procedures used by the NRA for the purpose of surface waters river ecosystem) (classification) regulations 1994
109Health effects of sea bathing (WMI 9021) - Phase III final report to the Department of the Environment
110Assessment of the feasibility of using image analysis in the oyster embryo-larval development and daphnia magna growth tests
111Continuous water quality monitoring results collected from the river Torridge at Cockshilhay and Beam Bridge for the EU UWWTD
112An investigation into the elevated BOD levels at Brocken Bridge (R30H001) on the Barnstaple Yeo [DEV/E/20/95]
113An assessment of the impact of Berkhamsted and Maple Lodge STWs on the Grand Union canal based on macroinvertebrate surveys
114Interim report on the environmental impacts of the drought on Yorkshire rivers April 1995 to April 1996
115An investigation into the bacterial water quality of the River Umber, N. Devon : December 1996 : DEV/WQ/14/96
116The River Eden Demonstration Test Catchment (DTC) Data
117Environmental snapshot for the East of England [version 1]
118Environmental assessment of selected abandoned minewaters in the North East region
119Disturbing the season's due: plankton periodicity in Grassmere, 1987
120The Impact Of Particulate Outputs Associated With Timber Harvesting
121The evaluation of Grant/YSU 3800 water quality monitor
122Quality audit of biological samples for the 1990 river quality survey
123The Dove catchment management plan : consultation report summary : January 1995
124Environmental snapshot for the East of England [1999]
125Estuarial migration of Atlantic salmon in the river Dee (North Wales)