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1The Severn Bore 1996
2The River Mersey : fact file
3The Severn Bore in 1993
4The Severn Bore in 1994
5The Severn Bore in 1995
6Fish found in the tidal Thames
7Invertebrate animals of the tidal Thames
8River water quality in the Midlands 1997
9River water quality in the Midlands 1998
10Clouding: the issue. An appraisal of the effects of turbidity in aquatic systems
11National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 3 : the Wash to the Thames
12Running with the tide : reconciling development pressures with flood risk and the environment
13Estuarine fish survey 1989 : inferences on the pollution status of the Thames estuary
14Protecting your future : tackling flooding in the Thames Estuary through the 21st century
15Report for Anglian Water, NRA Unit on the uses of the Orwell and the Stour Estuaries and the use of the mathematical model to derive long term consent limits for all inputs to Orwell Estuary
16Inferences on the pollution status of the Thames estuary from the macrobenthic community structure : National Rivers Authority Thames Region, Biology, Thames Estuary Benthic Programme
17Meiofaunal assemblages of the Thames Estuary, April 1989-March 1990 : modules I-III : a study of the meiofaunal communities present in sediment samples collected by the National Rivers Authority, Thames Region
18Survey of the biological quality of creek systems in the outer Thames Estuary, with special reference to the impact of STW and landfill site discharges
19Investigation into the effect of sewage disinfection on the bioaccumulation of chloroform, bromoform, dibromochloromethane and dichlorobromomethane by fucoid seaweeds
20Stratification in the Severn Estuary- Physical aspects and biological consequences
21The Mersey estuary : a report on environmental quality
22Suffolk estuarine strategies : Deben estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
23Suffolk estuarine strategies : Alde and Ore estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
24River Axe Fish Study - Evaluation of Fish Movements in the Estuary
25First annual review of the Taw/Torridge estuary catchment management plan (1996)