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26The evaluation of Grant/YSU 3800 water quality monitor
27The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : consultation report : November 1994
28Clear Options towards an operational model for the Lee Valley Reservoirs
29Land drainage byelaws 1981 and the Thames region flood defence byelaws 1991
30The evaluation of an orion ammonium ion selective electrode (220/15/T)
31Time of travel on the [River] Chertsey Bourne under low flow conditions
32Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater - Thames region appendix
33The flood of February 1990 : technical services flood monitoring report
34Enhancing the environment : 25 case studies from Thames Region
35England's river : a guide to the Thames from Remenham to Cookham
36Metallothionein in eels from the Thames Estuary : an indicator of environmental quality
37The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : action plan : July 1995
38Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : Thames Region appendix
39Enhancing the environment : 20 case studies in London
40Swords water quality study - phase 1 : water quality of the Thames
41Narrowboats on the Thames : useful hints and tips
42Locks and weirs on the river Thames : how do they work?
43Water Quality and Freshwater Flow in the Thames Tideway in Relation to Salmon Migration, with particular reference to the effects of low flow in 1990
44Thames Environment 21. The Environment Agency strategy for land-use planning in Thames Region
45Planning application for the proposed Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme January 1991
46Space to live, space to play : a recreation strategy for the River Thames : appendices
47Thames 21 - a planning perspective and a sustainable strategy for the Thames Region : September 1995
48Lower Colne catchment management plan for flood defence and the environment : third draft
49River restoration : a stepping stone to urban regeneration highlighting the opportunities in south London
50Time of travel study on the River Wandle under two different flow conditions