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76Benchmarking rainfall runoff models within the Anglian Region : final report
77'Sea Vigil' water quality monitoring : the Humber estuary 1992-1993
78Integrated pollution control and radioactive substances in the Anglian Region
79Water resources for the future : a strategy for North East Region
80Environmental snapshot for the East of England (summary report)
81Impact of reservoir construction construction on the Bruckland Stream
82Environmental snapshot for the East of England [1999]
83Protecting the environment through effective Environment Agency regulation and advice
84Our vision for the Thames Gateway : a showcase for sustainable development
85The Swale, Ure and Ouse catchment (river factfiles)
86The Don, Rother and Dearne catchment (river factfiles)
87Valuing the Humber's environmental assets : proceedings of a seminar 15 November 2000
88Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - West Area
89Partnership in planning : riverbank design guidance for the Tidal Thames
90State of the environment report for London 2001
91Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - North East Area
92Malodours and discolouration on the Wool Brook Sidmouth
93Water related recreation strategy for the southern region : consultation draft 1997
94The River Itchen salmon action plan : consultation document
95An investigation to determine the water quality of Churchstanton Stream
96Macroinvertebrates in the Kennet catchment : Part 1 - water quality monitoring
97Post drought soil water recharge : a study of the processes of recharge
98Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - South East Area
99A survey of ferruginous minewater impacts in the Welsh coalfields
100A survey of ferruginous minewater impacts in the Welsh coalfields