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1Bacteriological survey : The Wash
2Viruses in the aquatic environment
3The development of the Gammarus pulex feeding rate Bioassay
4Mechanisms of Water Storage in the Unsaturated Zone of the Chalk Aquifer
5The Effectiveness of Liners in Inhibiting the Migration of Landfill Gas
6Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Pesticides in the Aquatic Environment: Phase II
7The development of new techniques for the monitoring of ammonia in water
8Investigation into the cause of high pH in the Budleigh Brook
9Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles
10Pesticides in the aquatic environment 1996
11MCERTS : the Environment Agency's monitoring certification scheme
12Humber estuary : state of the environment 1998
13Monitoring the coast for flood defence
14Synoptic State of the Environment Monitoring
15The Trophic Diatom Index: A User's Manual;
16Bacterial quality of the bathing waters at Seaton, Cornwall, and of the River Seaton
17Investigation into the chemicals present and entering the Stover Lake, Stover Country Park
18Rising groundwater levels in the chalk-basal sands aquifer of the Central London basin : April 2000
19Assessment of the Trophic Status of Rivers using Macrophytes - Evaluation of the Mean Trophic Rank
20Rising groundwater levels in the chalk-basal sands aquifer of the Central London basin
21Ponds in Partnership Phase 1 Final Report: Establishing the Framework for the National Pond Monitoring Network
22Investigation of the Relationship between the LIFE Index and RIVPACS: Putting LIFE into RIVPACS
23Investigation of the water quality in the Buckland stream up and downstream of East/West Buckland
24The influence of agriculture on the quality of natural waters in England and Wales
25Biological assessment of the effects of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment Works on the River Erme