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1Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Thames region
2Environment Agency Southern region : Christmas floods 1999 volume one : performance review
3Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Anglian region
4Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Midlands region
5Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Southern Region
6Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : North West Region
7Environment Agency Southern region : May floods 2000 performance review
8Committed to the environment : a report from the committees of the Environment Agency's Southern Region for the year 1999/00
9The water bill : trickle irrigation
10Guardian of the water environment
11The Agency's conservation duties (SD2)
12Improving the environment in the West Midlands region : Midlands local contribution 2006/11
13Summary guidance on the application of the financial memorandum/scheme of delegation
14Engineering the environment : profile of the Anglian Engineering Department
15The Environment Agency's response to the House of Commons Environment Committee report on the environmental impact of cement manufacture
16Drought in the South : in depth
17Chew Magna : reducing the risk of flooding
18The Environment Agency's risk portfolio June 2000
19Information [on the NRA Anglian Region]
20Environmental issues in the Midlands 1995/96
21Beneath the town : safeguarding Bodmin from flooding
22Duties and powers of the Environment Agency
23What's happening in the South West
24Integrated appraisal of the Environment Agency's water quality policies : role of the FWR manual
25Links : an overview of the work of the Environment Agency in Devon : autumn/winter 2003