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101Report on the management of the drainage regime within Exminster Marshes
102An investigation into the bacteriological levels in the River Seaton
103Mechanisms of Water Storage in the Unsaturated Zone of the Chalk Aquifer
104Technical Summary - Alternative Approaches to Assessing the Aesthetic Quality of the Environment
105Salmon in the Dee catchment: the scientific basis for management
106Data on the effects of Parathion in the freshwater environment
107Water resources for the future : a strategy for the East Midlands
108The effects of Guildford STW on the River Wey
109Water resources for the future : a strategy for the East Midlands
110Survey of the non-agricultural use of pesticdes within the Thames region
1111967 - Building the bedroom block in the IBP compound at L. George
1121967 - Singh's men building the extension block in the IBP compound.
113Preventing the spread of crayfish plague in the South West
114Summary guidance on the application of the financial memorandum/scheme of delegation
115The disinfection of the Manchester Square Outfall, Blackpool, 1993
116Pollution prevention in the '90's : the positive approach
117The Effectiveness of Liners in Inhibiting the Migration of Landfill Gas
118The extent of phosphorus release in the Norfolk Broads
119Report on the 1995 stock assessment of the Douglas catchment
120Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Pesticides in the Aquatic Environment: Phase II
121The distribution of nutrients and phytoplankton in the North-East Irish Sea
122Water resources for the future : a strategy for the West Midlands
123The development of new techniques for the monitoring of ammonia in water
124Water resources for the future : a strategy for the West Midlands
125Battling the tide : flood defences in the Anglian region