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801EC directives and the control of water pollution : fact file
802The Swale, Ure and Ouse catchment (river factfiles)
803The Loddon catchment, Thames Region : proposals for Statutory Water Quality Objectives
804The lower Wye catchment management plan : consultation report : June 1994
805The lower Wye catchment management plan: consultation report summary: June 1994
806The River Dee catchment management plan : consultation report : June 1994
807The Upper Nene catchment management plan : final plan : August 1994
808The Don, Rother and Dearne catchment (river factfiles)
809Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
810Valuing the Humber's environmental assets : proceedings of a seminar 15 November 2000
811Review of fishery regulations on the Rivers Taw and Torridge
812The Hartland Streams catchment management plan : action plan
813A report on the River Chew at Chewton Mendip, 6th August 1992
814Cryptosporidium in river waters: inception of the study
815Swords water quality study - phase 1 : water quality of the Thames
816Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - West Area
817Minehead sea defences scheme : taming the tempestuous tides
818The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : action plan Draft
819Partnership in planning : riverbank design guidance for the Tidal Thames
820State of the environment report for London 2001
821Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - North East Area
822Lincshore '97 : a strategy for the Lincolnshire coast
823Malodours and discolouration on the Wool Brook Sidmouth
824Protection of the Water Environment using Balancing Facilities
825Water related recreation strategy for the southern region : consultation draft 1997