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51The Economics of No-Spray Zones - a Study of the Risks and Benefits of Pesticide No-Spray Restrictions
52A review of the quality and status of the Suffolk and Essex estuaries and coastal waters : volume 1 : final draft
53'Sea Vigil' water quality monitoring : the Humber estuary 1994
54River quality in England and Wales : a report of the 1990 survey
55Stratification in the Severn Estuary- Physical aspects and biological consequences
56The Mersey estuary : a report on environmental quality
57The 1990 river and estuary classification survey of England and Wales
58Survey of copper speciation in the Great Ouse estuary
59Suffolk estuarine strategies : Deben estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
60Suffolk estuarine strategies : Alde and Ore estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
61River Axe Fish Study - Evaluation of Fish Movements in the Estuary
62Suffolk estuarine strategies : Blyth estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
63Targeted Monitoring Programme for Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment
64First annual review of the Taw/Torridge estuary catchment management plan (1996)
65Bass fishing in the Fal estuary and coastal area
66Wash zone report. Part 1 : the Wash NRA monitoring review
67Wetlands for Wales : a strategy for the third millenium
68'Sea Vigil' water quality monitoring : the Humber estuary 1992-1993
69Metallothionein in eels from the Thames Estuary : an indicator of environmental quality
70Doses from the consumption of Cardiff Bay flounder containing organically-bound tritium
71Valuing the Humber's environmental assets : proceedings of a seminar 15 November 2000
72The Ribble Estuary 1992 surveys : summary of results
73Second annual review of the Taw / Torridge Estuary catchment management plan
74The Mersey Estuary 1992 surveys : summary of results
75The River Colne Estuary subtidal biological survey 1992