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126Bathing water quality in England and Wales in 1994 : report of the National Rivers Authority
127Water pollution incidents in England and Wales 1994 : report of the National Rivers Authority
128Pesticides 1998 : a summary of monitoring of the aquatic environment in England and Wales
129Survey of physical characteristics of salmon spawning riffles in the river North Tyne
130Effects of suspended solids on salmon (Salmo salar, L.) in the Parrett stuary, Somerset, Draft
131NRA programme for the monitoring of water quality Parts 1 to 3 - November 1994
1321966 the original team approaching Esthwaite Water to practice sampling from a boat
133Proceedings of the conference National Minewaters 20th -21st April 1998 Tapton Hall Sheffield University
134National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 4 : the Thames to Selsey Bill
135A review of the industrial uses of continuous monitoring systems : metals industry processes
136Bathing water quality in England and Wales in 1995 : report of the National Rivers Authority
137Partnership in environment protection : taking steps towards a better environment in the midlands
138Bathing water quality in England and Wales in 1993 : report of the National Rivers Authority
139Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1993 : report of the National Rivers Authority
140River corridor strategic overview feasibility study : a report to the National Rivers Authority
141The government's policy for a public regulatory body in a privatised water industry
142Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1990 : report of the National Rivers Authority
143Darwell Transfer Scheme. Final Report Part III. Water quality in the Darwell Reservoir
144Water pollution incidents in England and Wales 1991 : report of the National Rivers Authority
145Improved monitoring for surface water quality : the development of a manual of best practice
146Demand for irrigation water (413/1/A) : progress report for the period August 1992 to January 1993
147An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1998. Environment Agency : AQC audit
148An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1998. Environment Agency : primary audit
149Digital groundwater vulnerability maps : 1 : 100,000 series. Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
150Saving water : the NRA's approach to water conservation and demand management : a consultation report