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776Artificial recharge to groundwater in the Otter valley
777The Ely Ouse catchment management plan : final plan : January 1994
778Investigating the Applicability of Passive Sampling Devices to Pesticide Monitoring
779Water quality in Anglian Region : the first five years
780Groundwater flooding in the Thames region : winter 2000/01
781The environmental requirements of adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) during their upstream migration in the Northwest Miramichi River, New Brunswick. Draft.
782Hams Hall Power Station. A survey of the flora and fauna of freshwater habitats in the environs of Hams Hall Power Station, Birmingham
783Changes in the phosphorus content of the sediment of Esthwaite Water and water quality in response to a decreasing input of sewage-borne phosphorus
784An ecological study of the effects of ferric dosing on the plankton and benthic invertebrates of Grafham Water between May 1990 and November 1991
785Water company plans to safeguard 1997 summer water supplies : Environment Agency report to the Secretary of State for the Environment : fifth report in a series
786Catch and release: the survival and behaviour of Atlantic salmon angled and returned to the Aberdeenshire Dee, in spring and early summer
787Spring salmon : a review of factors affecting the abundance and catch of spring salmon from the River Wye and elsewhere, and proposals for stock maintenance and enhancement
788Water Quality and Freshwater Flow in the Thames Tideway in Relation to Salmon Migration, with particular reference to the effects of low flow in 1990
789The quality of rivers and canals in England and Wales (1990 to 1992) : as assessed by a new general quality assessment scheme : report of the National Rivers Authority
790Tamar Lakes project 2001 : initial assessment of nutrient data to identify pollution sources, assess the effect of Tamar Lakes on the downstream water quality and to recommend future monitoring requirements
791A study of the use of Glycol-based de-icers at RAF Lyneham and their impact on local watercourses during the winter of 1999/2000
792Local environment focus : issues in and around Derby, Matlock, Buxton, Bakewell, Belper and the Derbyshire Dales Issue 3 : Environment Agency Newsletter for the Derbyshire Derwent Catchment October 2003
793Time of travel on the River Lee under high and medium flow : appendix b : time of travel on the small River Lee
794Implications of draft EC Directive concerning municipal waste water treatment : Memorandum submitted by the NRA to House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities
795The mobilization and release of mercury, copper, iron, manganese and selenium from contaminated sediment as a result of dredging : laboratory simulation studies : interim report to the National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
796Use of rod catch-effort data to monitor migratory salmonids in Wales : a report submitted in part fulfillment of the requirements of the course
797Report for Anglian Water, plc on the use of the Orwell Estuary mathematical model to derive long term consent limits for Cliff Quay STW
798Assessment of the water quality before, during and post commissioning of the interim Falmouth sewage treatment scheme - Report No. TWQ/98/02- September 1998
799Review of water company plans to safeguard summer water supplies : Environment Agency report to the Secretary of State for the Environment. Fourth report
800Results of the oyster (Crassostrea gigas) embryo-larval biassay on samples taken during the winter phase of national maritime monitoring programme 1997 : interim report