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426NRA superannuation report and accounts for the period ended 31 March 1990
427Broadland flood alleviation strategy : the programme for flood defence works
428Take to the water : a beginner's guide to boating on inland waterways
429Wetlands for Wales : a strategy for the third millenium
430The Impacts of flooding on urban and rural communities
431The relationship between turbidity and suspended solids in final effluents
432The Environmental Impact of Fish Farming - A Review
433The Removal of Technetium from EARP Waste Streams, Phase II
434Benchmarking rainfall runoff models within the Anglian Region : final report
435Evaluation of AN analytical sensors ammonium probe for the grant\YSI 3800
436Steady-state particle tracking in the object-orientated regional groundwater model ZOOMQ3D
437Roger Sweeting providing a commentary on The Tern
438Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
439Welland and Glen river system : flood defences along the Welland and Glen
440The National Centre for Environmental Data and Surveillance : business plan 1999/2000
441The Hydrogeological Classification of Superficial Clay: Methodology of Map Production
442Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Case Summary for the Chlor-Alkali Industry
443The Removal of Technetium from EARP Waste Streams, Phase III
444Integrated pollution control and radioactive substances in the Anglian Region
445Note 3 by Professor Gerald Sargent regarding the Coniston Seismic Survey 1983
446Scoping report for the proposed Beach Management Manual : draft final report (446/1/A)
447Guide to freshwater fishing in the Northern area of Anglian Region
448The Identification of Oestrogenic Effects in Wild Fish
449Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : summary document
450A review of the optimum accuracy of flow and rainfall forecasting