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176Sustainability examples from the USA and Canada
177Site supervision of the Beach Nourishment Scheme
178Determining The Freshwater Flow Needs Of Estuaries
179Shoreline management plans in the Anglian region
180The future of shoreline management : conference papers
181Duties and powers of the Environment Agency
182Biological investigation of the Common Lake Stream
183The Ecology of Four Scarce Wetland Molluscs
184Recreational waterway byelaws in the Anglian region
185Endocrine Disruption in the Marine Environment
186A brief guide to the medway
187A brief guide to the thames
188Study of the River Stour, Kent
189The source : a guide to NRA services
190We care for the environment : could you?
191What's happening in the South West
192Determining The Causes Of 'Apparent Eutrophication' Effects
193Recreational waterways in the anglian region
194Conoeists' guide to the River Wye
195Whitacre-Shustoke Reservoir improvements. The sedimentary phosphorus content on the Lower Shustoke Reservoir
1961966 - The IBP compound when the team first arrived at Lake George in December 1966.
197Links : an overview of the work of the Environment Agency in Devon : autumn/winter 2003
198The variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth in the object-orientated groundwater model ZOOMQ3D
199Tidal waters strategic review : the status of tidal water operational activity within the Environment Agency
200A demonstration of the use of a framework for the ecological risk assessment of land contamination