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676Broadland flood alleviation strategy : the programme for flood defence works
677Water quality 2000 : a strategy for the water quality function
678Computer files used in the calculation of Rutland and Grafham yields
679The control of effluent discharges by a direct toxicity assessment (DTA) approach
680The Restoration of Floodplain Woodlands in Lowland Britain
681Take to the water : a beginner's guide to boating on inland waterways
682Guidance on the Assessment of Cause and Effect in Ecological Risk Assessment
683Wetlands for Wales : a strategy for the third millenium
684The Impacts of flooding on urban and rural communities
685The relationship between turbidity and suspended solids in final effluents
686General guide to the prevention of pollution of controlled water
687The Environmental Impact of Fish Farming - A Review
688The evaluation of an hydrolab DS3 submersible water quality monitor
689The Removal of Technetium from EARP Waste Streams, Phase II
690Evaluation of AN analytical sensors ammonium probe for the grant\YSI 3800
691Reduction in aldrin and dieldrin concentrations in the Newlyn River
692Historic changes in the Upper River Ehen Catchment- Summary
693Metallothionein in eels from the Thames Estuary : an indicator of environmental quality
694Steady-state particle tracking in the object-orientated regional groundwater model ZOOMQ3D
695Modelling the Dispersion of Radionuclides Following Short Duration Releases to Rivers
696Roger Sweeting providing a commentary on The Tern
697Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
698Water resources for the future : annual review 2003
699Welland and Glen river system : flood defences along the Welland and Glen
700Our Midlands environment : the Environment Agency in action