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26The Use Of DNA Fingerprinting To Study The Population Dynamics Of Otters (Lutra Lutra) In Southern Britiain - A Feasibility Study
27Guidance notes for local planning authorities on the methods of protecting the water environment through development plans
28Conservation and recreation : the Wye challenge : towards a management strategy for the River Wye : summary report (bilingual)
29Environmental snapshot for the East of England [version 1]
30The Mersey estuary : a report on environmental quality
31Status of rare fish : literature review of Freshwater Fish in the UK
32The National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre (NGWCLC)
33Environmental snapshot for the East of England [2000]
34Conservation and development of the River Eden spring salmon population
35Improving the environment in Midlands region : Midlands local contribution 2006/11
36The utilisation of stick-pile otter holts in south east Wales
37Improving the Environment Agency's contribution to wetland bird populations
38Sustaining our resources : the way forward : summary document
39Our Midlands environment : the Environment Agency in action
40Sustaining our resources : the way forward : water resources strategy
41Environmental snapshot for the East of England (summary report)
42Environmental snapshot for the East of England [1999]
43Protecting the environment through effective Environment Agency regulation and advice
44Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : draft for consultation
45The Rivers Test and Itchen : salmon management plan : a consultation document
46Conservation in the Severn-Trent Region (NRA Severn-Trent 57)
47Assessment of the distribution of Bembidion testaceum and reasons for its decline
48Conservation and recreation : the Wye challenge : volume 2 : technical appendices
49Thames Environment 21. The Environment Agency strategy for land-use planning in Thames Region
50Review of Lake Benthic Macro-invertebrate Sampling Methods and Strategy for the Water Framework Directive