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526The Evaluation of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Equipment
527Modelling phytoplankton development in the proposed Cardiff Bay Barrage
528Dead zones, live markers: the biological environments of larger U.K. Rivers
529The Impact Of Particulate Outputs Associated With Timber Harvesting
530The evaluation of Grant/YSU 3800 water quality monitor
531PVC : an evaluation using the Natural Step framework
532Recommendations For The Processing And Presentation Of Groundwater Quality Data
533Landfill and the water environment : NRA position statement
534The vision for our environment : making it happen
535Environment Agency guidance on the conditioning of intermediate level waste
536Quality audit of biological samples for the 1991 river quality survey
537Pesticides in the aquatic environment 1997 full report
538The precious resource : a brief guide to managing our water resources
539Quantification of the relationship between effluent quality and biological quality : final report
540Charging for discharges scheme : guidance to the agricultural industry
541Priority and other specific polluting substances and the Water Framework Directive
542Evaluation of historical data on the nutrient status of Esthwaite Water, Cumbria
543An Aerial Photograph of Ferry House and The Pearsall Building
544Review of existing practices for fluvial grass management throughout the NRA (213/1/Y)
545The interpretation of rod and net catch data
546Research and development in the Environment Agency : a short guide
547Problems with sea trout and salmon in the Western Highlands
548Clear Options towards an operational model for the Lee Valley Reservoirs
549The Cam catchment : recommendations for statutory water quality objectives
550Guidance for estimating the air quality impact of stationary sources - GN 24