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51Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - North East Area
52Water related recreation strategy for the southern region : consultation draft 1997
53The River Itchen salmon action plan : consultation document
54Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - South East Area
55State of the environment report for Thames Region : first update 2001
56Report for Anglian Water, NRA Unit on the inclusion of storm water overflows into the Orwell Estuary model, and its use to predict limits for SWO discharges
57Report of the Regional Environment Protection Advisory Committee (REPAC) for Thames Region of the Environment Agency : April 1999 - end of March 2000
58Recorded rainfall data in the Wensum Catchment between 2010 and 2015 (hourly resolution)
59Survey of physical characteristics of salmon spawning riffles in the river North Tyne
60Environmental protection - the waste management licensing regulations 1994 : amended and consolidated. Version 5
61Greatham Creek tidal defences inter regional review : prepared for the purposes of legal proceedings
62Associations of wintering waterfowl with freshwater on the mudflats of East Anglian estuaries
63Darwell Transfer Scheme. Final Report Part III. Water quality in the Darwell Reservoir
64National sea defence survey phase IVA : volume 8 : topographic drawings of the River Swale
65Recorded rainfall data from Rain Gauge 6 in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2015
66Recorded rainfall data from Rain Gauge 3 in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2015
67Recorded rainfall data from Rain Gauge 5 in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2015
68Recorded rainfall data from Rain Gauge 1 in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2015
69Recorded rainfall data from Rain Gauge 4 in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2015
70Recorded rainfall data from Rain Gauge 2 in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2015
71The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on N2O emissions from UK arable and grassland. Experimental site in Norfolk, 2004
72The use of fertilizer-free buffer strips to protect dyke flora from nitrate pollution on Walland Marsh S.S.S.I