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701Guidance on the application of environmental risk assessment for waste management licensing
702Partnership in environmental protection : schemes in the Midlands Region 1995 - 1996
703Investigation of mercury contamination in the Red River catchment, West Cornwall
704An investigation into the incidence of spurting from weeping wall slurry stores
705NRA superannuation report and accounts for the period ended 31 March 1991
706Further guidance on the environmental assessment of projects
707Assessing the impact of dewatering on water resources
708The use and design of oil separators in surface water drainage systems
709The utilisation of stick-pile otter holts in south east Wales
710Improving the Environment Agency's contribution to wetland bird populations
711Groundwater-surface Water Interactions in the Hyporheic Zone
712River water quality in the Midlands 1994/95 : water quality summary data
713Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination
714Applications Of Artificial Intelligence For The Biological Surveillance Of River Quality
715Improving the contribution of social science to Flood Risk Management
716The River Tywi catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual)
717Reappraisal of the River Lee to Wheathampstead Mill
718Business requirement specification : integrated accounting system for the (IAS)
719A report on fish production in the National Rivers Authority
720Moston Brook Summary Report for the Evidence and Measures Project
721Corporate Environmental Reporting in the UK Water Sector - A Concise Review
722Strategy for the use of field instrumentation in water quality monitoring
723User notes for the Deben groundwater modelling package
724Anthropogenic Influences on the temperature regime in a chalk river
725London's river (information pack on the River Thames)