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401Coniston OS map related to the Seismic Survey 1983
402Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) : an evaluation using the Natural Step framework
403(Bilingual) Assessing the impact of dewatering on water resources
404Biodiversity strategy and action plan for the Environment Agency (Thames Region)
405Working together for the coast : catchment, shoreline and estuary management plans
406A natural assets register for the Sankey catchment. Volume 2
407Clinical waste management in the community : a guide to managing waste
408Data mining of calculations for the control of emissions of organic compounds
409Bacteriological monitoring of freshwater rivers in the Thames Region 1995
410Bass fishing in the Fal estuary and coastal area
411Enhancing the environment : 25 case studies from Thames Region
412Fish Guide 1997/98 A Guide to day ticket fisheries in the Midlands
413Conservation and development of the River Eden spring salmon population
414Habitat preferences of the bullhead (Cottus gobio) in some Norfolk rivers
415England's river : a guide to the Thames from Remenham to Cookham
416Regulation of dioxin releases from the Runcorn operations of ICI and EVC
417Guidance on the application of environmental risk assessment for waste management licensing
418Partnership in environmental protection : schemes in the Midlands Region 1995 - 1996
419An investigation into the incidence of spurting from weeping wall slurry stores
420NRA superannuation report and accounts for the period ended 31 March 1991
421Further guidance on the environmental assessment of projects
422Assessing the impact of dewatering on water resources
423The use and design of oil separators in surface water drainage systems
424The utilisation of stick-pile otter holts in south east Wales
425Improving the Environment Agency's contribution to wetland bird populations