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1376International Workshop On The Uses Of Backfill In Nuclear Waste Repositories, Carlsbad, New Mexico, Usa, May 1998
1377Analysis of growth and survival of sea trout from the Welsh Dee: Interim Report, 2nd April 2000
1378River Glen : river channel assessment : annex C : an assessment of low flow characteristics of the River Glen, Lincolnshire
1379The River Conwy catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual) : 1995: Cynllun Gweithrediad Cynllun Rheoli Dalgylch yr Afon Conwy 1995
1380EU Habitats and Birds Directives. Guidance for the review of Environment Agency permissions: determining relevant permissions and "significant effect"
1381The use of constructed wetlands to ameliorate metal-rich mine waters. Stage 1 : review of existing literature
1382The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : first annual review : October 1994 - October 1995 (NRA Severn -Trent 45)
1383List of R and D outputs September 1989 to September 1995 : the National Rivers Authority's R and D programme
1384Analysis of natural and polluted river communities in Great Britain- Progress report for the period January-December 1987
1385Low flows and water resources : facts on the top 40 low flow rivers in England and Wales
1386The protection of East Anglian wetlands Phase 2 : review of BGS draft report. February 1995 (OI 558)
1387Analogue (nutrient), YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demontration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk E in 2011
1388Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : Southern Damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
1389Environmental assessment of Denver MRF : impact of freshwater flow on water quality of the Great Ouse estuary : draft working paper 3
1390Possible replacements for the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) test and suspended solids as measures of effluent and water quality
1391Micro low flows average and low flows estimation in the SW region : validation of regional version 1.1 software
1392Low flows and water resources : facts on the top 40 low flow rivers in England and Wales
1393Strategic Land Use Planning In Europe And Usa: Review Of Best Practice For The Environment Agency (Vol 1 Overview And Recommendations)
1394Water wise : are you pouring money down the drain? (Bilingual) : Doeth a dwr : ydych chi'n tywallt arian i lawr y draen?
1395Eutrophication in controlled waters in the Warwickshire Avon catchment (final report). Vol 1 : report and executive summary
1396Proposed decision for the future regulation of disposals of radioactive waste from british nuclear fuels plc Sellafield : decision document
1397Sea trout gene banks : the feasibility of developing and utilising gene banks for sea trout (salmo trutta) conservation
1398Manor Wall and Landguard Fort sea defences, Felixstowe : part of the Southern Felixstowe coastal strategy option selection scoping consultation document
1399Anglian radar information project : report no. 5 : quantitative precipitation estimation with weather radar : problems and solutions for the National Rivers Authority
1400East Devon public water supply strategy : the existence and potential use in yield analysis of historic flow records