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351A review of the quality and status of the Suffolk and Essex estuaries and coastal waters : volume 1 : final draft
352Contaminants entering the sea : a report on contaminant loads entering the seas around England and Wales 1990-1993
353NRA report of the blue-green algal monitoring 1990 : a report by the toxic blue-green algae task group
354The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales: The Permo-Triassic Sandstones Of Cumbria, North-West England;
355PhD Research. Gary Stephen Rushworth. The role of aquatic macroinvertebrates within reedswamps
357The River Eden Demonstration Test Catchment (DTC) Data
3581967 - IBP Lake George, Uganda - starting to build the bedroom block
359Environmental snapshot for the East of England [version 1]
360The regulation of salmon angling in Great Britain
361Disturbing the season's due: plankton periodicity in Grassmere, 1987
362The Evaluation of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Equipment
363Modelling phytoplankton development in the proposed Cardiff Bay Barrage
364The evaluation of Grant/YSU 3800 water quality monitor
365Recommendations For The Processing And Presentation Of Groundwater Quality Data
366Landfill and the water environment : NRA position statement
367The vision for our environment : making it happen
368Environment Agency guidance on the conditioning of intermediate level waste
369Pesticides in the aquatic environment 1997 full report
370The precious resource : a brief guide to managing our water resources
371Quantification of the relationship between effluent quality and biological quality : final report
372Charging for discharges scheme : guidance to the agricultural industry
373Priority and other specific polluting substances and the Water Framework Directive
374'Sea Vigil' water quality monitoring : the Humber estuary 1994
375Evaluation of historical data on the nutrient status of Esthwaite Water, Cumbria