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101Monitoring of the Priory storm overflow on the River Tone at Taunton : June - November 1991 and water quality investigations unit January 1992
102Investigation of the effects of sewage treatment works discharges on receiving waters in the Lowermoor Water Treatment Works supply area November 1989
103Assessment of the water quality before, during and post commissioning of the interim Falmouth sewage treatment scheme - Report No. TWQ/98/02- September 1998
104Assessment of the water quality before, during and post commissioning of the interim Falmouth sewage treatment scheme - Report No. TWQ/98/01- May 1998
105A macroinvertebrate survey of the Releath stream and associated tributaries within the vicinity of Trevethan Farm : final draft report - Water Quality section, Cornwall area
106National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 2 : Flamborough Head to the Wash
107Investigation of tecnazene contamination in the Chyandour Brook west Cornwall during spring 1990
108Greatham Creek tidal defences inter regional review : prepared for the purposes of legal proceedings
109Partnership in environment protection : taking steps towards a better environment in the midlands
110Discharge monitoring in the Kennet catchment. Part 1 : ecological effects of sewage and trade effluents
111Impact assessment of Helston Sewage Treatment Works on water quality of the River Cober Loe Pool
112Discharge monitoring in the Kennet catchment. Part 2 : ecological effects of fish farm discharges
113An assessment of mercury contamination in the Red River catchment : final draft report
114Striking the right balance : Somerset Levels and Moors water level management strategy review
115River Avon, Bath : aesthetic study of riverbanks through the urban area of Bath : final report
116Annual review of the Colne, Upper Lee, North London and Roding, Beam and Ingerbourne catchments
117Land use practices and pathways of pesticide residues in the Mount's Bay catchment, Cornwall
118Aldrin and dieldrin concentrations in the Newlyn catchment during 1991 an interim report
119Linking hydrology and ecology : River Wissey : Annex B aquatic macrophytes of the River Wissey
120The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on N2O emissions from UK arable and grassland. Experimental site in Dumfries, 2004
121An investigation into the presence of high levels of cadmium in sea-water samples from Mounts Bay, Cornwall
122Local Environment Agency plan for the West Midlands Tame, 2nd annual review, July 2001 : local environment focus
123NRA guidance on the acceptable leachable values for contaminated material to be deposited in Upper Tame catchment
124Evaluating the impact of groundwater abstraction on key conservation sites, final report : Yare Broads and marshes (Strumpshaw Fen)
125Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : Southern Damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight