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1151Integrated river corridor assessment : a pilot study of the rivers Wansbeck and North Tyne in Northumbria
1152River Teign corridor survey : prepared by Ecologue for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
1153Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1993 : report of the National Rivers Authority
1154Catchment management plans : protecting and enhancing the water environment in an integrated manner
1155Impact assessment of scour valve test at Roadford Reservoir on water quality of the River Lyd
1156Notice to water only companies of programme of environmental obligations agreed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions and for Wales : periodic review of water company price limits 2000-2005
1157A review of the hydrogeological information for the Thompson and Merton areas, Norfolk : including predictions of the impact of nearby chalk water abstractions on water levels at Thompson Water, Carr and Common SSSI and candidate SAC
1158Groundwater pollution : evaluation of the extent and character of groundwater pollution from point sources in England and Wales
1159Water quality modelling in the Environment Agency (Report no.28) : present practice and future challenges : Water Quality Modelling Group workshop proceedings
1160Local Environment Agency plan for the West Midlands Tame, 2nd annual review, July 2001 : local environment focus
1161Analytical method for the determination of acid herbicides in sandstone and chalk aquifer materials (Draft RanD note) P439/9/A
1162The use of constructed wetlands to ameliorate metal-rich mine waters. Stage 1 : study of natural wetlands
1163Report for Welsh Region on selected flood defence schemes and the development of a standard methodology for risk assessment
1164Report on US study tour of engineered wetlands for the treatment of waste water and mine drainage, March 1992
1165NRA guidance on the acceptable leachable values for contaminated material to be deposited in Upper Tame catchment
1166The FBA-Welsh Water simulation model of phytoplankton dynamics in flushed systems. Authentication in a coastal lagoon
1167Investigating the effect of changing retention time in natural and artificial water bodies: Simulations using PROTECH-D
1168NRA Thames region : audit surveys 1991/92 : a report on the re-surveys of selected reaches of river following maintenance dredging
1169Progress in water supply planning : the Environment Agency's review of water company water resources plans : a submission to Government
1170Proposed decision for the future regulation of disposals of radioactive waste from British Nuclear fuels plc Sellafield : supporting information
1171Evaluating the impact of groundwater abstraction on key conservation sites, final report : Yare Broads and marshes (Strumpshaw Fen)
1172Development of data and information sources on Natura 2000 estuarine sites in the north west : Morecambe Bay : final report
1173An overview of the IBP compound when building was finished (generator located in disused house in front).
1174Nature's way : a guide to surface water best management practices, the effective and economic answer to non-point source pollution
1175The Development of a Methodology to Assess Population Doses from Multiple Sources and Exposure Pathways of Radioactivity