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676Recorded rainfall data from Rain Gauge 1 in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2015
677Recorded rainfall data from Rain Gauge 4 in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2015
678Recorded rainfall data from Rain Gauge 2 in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2015
679Correspondence Relating to the Seismic Surveys of Lake District Water Bodies undertaken by Prof. Gerald Sargent in 1983 and 1987
680The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable and grassland. Defra project number NT2605
681The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on N2O emissions from UK arable and grassland. Experimental site in Norfolk, 2004
682The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on N2O emissions from UK arable and grassland. Experimental site in Dumfries, 2004
683The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on N2O emissions from UK arable and grassland. Experimental site in Devon, 2004
684Groundwater pollution : evaluation of the extent and character of groundwater pollution from point sources in England and Wales
685Effects of flow regime on the young stages of salmonid fishes- summary and conclusions based on results for 1981- 1985
686Analytical method for the determination of acid herbicides in sandstone and chalk aquifer materials (Draft RanD note) P439/9/A
687Report for Welsh Region on selected flood defence schemes and the development of a standard methodology for risk assessment
688Front Cover of A Key to the British Species of Freshwater Cladocera, with Notes on their Ecology
689Report on US study tour of engineered wetlands for the treatment of waste water and mine drainage, March 1992
690NRA Thames region : audit surveys 1991/92 : a report on the re-surveys of selected reaches of river following maintenance dredging
691Database and atlas of aquatic vascular plants in the British Isles : part 2 : distribution maps (352/2/N and Y)
692Proposed decision for the future regulation of disposals of radioactive waste from British Nuclear fuels plc Sellafield : supporting information
693An overview of the IBP compound when building was finished (generator located in disused house in front).
694The Development of a Methodology to Assess Population Doses from Multiple Sources and Exposure Pathways of Radioactivity
695Light scattering in sewage effluent: a study of the effects of angle of scatter an common light sources
696Audit of priority species of rivers and wetlands : Black Bog in South Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
697Front Cover of A Key to the British Fresh- and Brackish-Water Gastropods, with Notes on their Ecology
698Micro low flows average and low flows estimation in the SW region : validation of regional version 1.3 software
699The faunal richness of headwater streams. Stage 3 : impact of agricultural activities. Volume 2 : appendices (Note 392)
700Guidance to agency officers on the provision of technically competent management (multiple sites) at licensed waste facilities