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101First annual review of the River Tone catchment management plan
102Quality audit of biological samples for the 1990 river quality survey
103Protecting the environment through effective Environment Agency regulation and advice
104Our vision for the Thames Gateway : a showcase for sustainable development
105The Don, Rother and Dearne catchment (river factfiles)
106Impact assessment of acidic and metalliferous pollution in the Fowley Stream
107Second annual review of the River Taw catchment management plan
108Second annual review of the River Torridge catchment management plan
109Second annual review of the Taw / Torridge Estuary catchment management plan
110Making an impact on the ground key achievements in 2002 - Somerset area
111Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - West Area
112Partnership in planning : riverbank design guidance for the Tidal Thames
113State of the environment report for London 2001
114Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - North East Area
115An investigation of the water quality in three Plymouth catchment streams
116Water related recreation strategy for the southern region : consultation draft 1997
117The River Itchen salmon action plan : consultation document
118An investigation to determine the water quality of Churchstanton Stream
119Macroinvertebrates in the Kennet catchment : Part 1 - water quality monitoring
120Post drought soil water recharge : a study of the processes of recharge
121Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - South East Area
122The Test catchment southern : recommendations for statutory water quality objectives
123An assessment of river water quality in the River Kenn
124A survey of ferruginous minewater impacts in the Welsh coalfields
125A survey of ferruginous minewater impacts in the Welsh coalfields