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151Air quality report for the Anglian Region of the Environment Agency 1999
152The distribution of nutrients and phytoplankton in the North-East Irish Sea
153Water resources for the future : a strategy for the West Midlands
154Genetics and the management of the Atlantic salmon
155The development of new techniques for the monitoring of ammonia in water
156Water resources for the future : a strategy for the West Midlands
157The regulation of fish farming by the National Rivers Authority
158Battling the tide : flood defences in the Anglian region
159River pack : information sheets about the NRA and the water environment
160Investigation into the cause of high pH in the Budleigh Brook
161Contaminated land and the water environment : report of the National Rivers Authority
162A report on the investigation of the Taff litter problem
163Abandoned mines and the water environment : report of the National Rivers Authority
164Anglian region state of the environment report : the IPC perspective
165The results of fish telemetry trails in the river Tawe estuary, 1991
166Southern region local contribution 2006/11 : improving the environment in the southern region
167Hysim model : modelling the flows of the River Deben
168An investigation into the effect of Farnham STW on the River Wey
169Engineering the environment : profile of the Anglian Engineering Department
170The effect of the voluntary initiative on water quality
171Economic elements of the Environment Agency's implementation of the Water Framework Directive
172Hydrometry : the science of measuring the water cycle
173An investigation into the effects of Woking STW on the River Wey
174The restoration of the River Ver : the success story of a collaborative project between the National Rivers Authority, Three Valleys Water and the Ver Valley Society
175A good deal for water : the view of the Environment Agency, the Countryside Council for Wales and English Nature on the priorities for the environment that require action by water companies