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976The Management of blue-green algal blooms in South-East Australia : a report on the visit to Australia by MJ Pearson and AJD Ferguson in January/February 1993
977Report of the Regional Environment Protection Advisory Committee (REPAC) for Thames Region of the Environment Agency : April 1999 - end of March 2000
978A review of factors affecting the abundance and catch of spring salmon fom the River Wye and elsewhere, and proposals for stock maintenance and enhancement
979Recorded rainfall data in the Wensum Catchment between 2010 and 2015 (hourly resolution)
980YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk D in 2013
981YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk B in 2014
982YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk C in 2014
983YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk D in 2014
984Protocol on "managing waste" : memorandum of understanding between Local Government Association and the Environment Agency
985YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk C in 2012
986Front Cover of Some Methods for the Statistical Analysis of Samples of Benthic Invertebrates
987Assessment of the nutrient status and associated algal productivity of Malham Tarn, Yorkshire
988Impact of watercress cultivation on river water quality- Progress report for the period January- December 1987
989Invertebrates of Esthwaite in relation to development of fish farming in the South Basin
990Review of Literature on the Effect on Aquatic Communities of Particulate Copper in River Systems
991Eutrophication in controlled waters in the Warwickshire Avon catchment (final report). Vol 2 : appendices
992National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 2 : Flamborough Head to the Wash
993Best Available Techniques For The Control Of Pollution In Inorganic Chemical Processes - Appendix
994Thames Environment 21. The Environment Agency strategy for land-use planning in Thames Region
995Water pollution incidents in England and Wales 1994 : report of the National Rivers Authority
996Pesticides 1998 : a summary of monitoring of the aquatic environment in England and Wales
997Planning application for the proposed Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme January 1991
998Database and atlas of aquatic vascular plants in the British Isles : part 1 species accounts
999Routine laboratory water sample data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk D
1000The evaluation of a Partech model 5100 hand-held dissolved oxygen meter (220/26/T)