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1Review of the findings of the prescribed flow at the Wallers Haven
2The effects of flow reduction in the River Dee on the aquatic environment
3The River Darent conservation project
4A Report on the Drought on the River Darent
5The development of the Gammarus pulex feeding rate Bioassay
6River Darent : strategy for the enhancement of the River Darent, Kent
7Hysim model : modelling the flows of the River Deben
8An investigation into the flow interactions between the Spilsby Sandstone and the overlying aquifers of East Lincolnshire
9The release of ammonium and phosphorus from the sediments of the River Ant and Barton Broad : interim report
10Naturalisation of the Orton flow record
11The Possible effects on migratory fish in the River Dee of increased water abstraction
12The variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth in the object-orientated groundwater model ZOOMQ3D
13Catches of Migratory Fish in the River Don, Aberdeenshire- Consideration of the Availability of Fish
14Investigation of the Relationship between the LIFE Index and RIVPACS: Putting LIFE into RIVPACS
15The behaviour of atrazine and simazine within the chalk aquifer : experimental results and interpretation
16The Investigation and Specification of Flow Measurement Structure Design Features that Aid the Migration of Fish
17East Devon public water supply strategy as assessment of the hydrological impact of the Wimbleball pump storage scheme at key sites on the River Exe
18An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. Report for the period April 1998-March 1999
19An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. Progress report for the period April 1999-March 2001
20An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. Report for the period April 2000 - March 2001
21An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. Progress report for the period April 1999-March 2000
22River Darent low flow alleviation. Annex 3 : plan for the Darent : report of the joint NRA/TWUL project team
23Modelling the contribution from non-agricultural sources to nitrate pollution in the Sor Brook (Thames Region) (UC 3134)
24Dead zones, live markers: the biological environments of larger U.K. Rivers
25Algal blooms in the Lower Tees- Perspectives and prospects