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501The Mersey estuary : a report on environmental quality
502Stream survey and assessment in the Ashford and Folkestone areas
503Lakes, Ponds and Reservoirs in the Southern Region (NRA)
504The 1990 river and estuary classification survey of England and Wales
505The evaluation of an orion ammonium ion selective electrode (220/15/T)
506An Independent Review of the Defra/EA Research and Development Joint
507Anthropogenic Impacts on the Hydrology of Rivers and Lochs
508Dissemination of the Revitalised FEH Rainfall-runoff Method
509General guide to the prevention of water pollution
510Guidance on the use of Soil Screening Values for Ecological Risk Assessment
511Highway runoff: Effects of soluble pollutants on the ecology of receiving waters
512Life cycle assessment of disposable and reusable nappies in the UK
513Managing the social aspects of flooding: Synthesis Report
514Operational mechanisms for the protection and enhancement of headwaters
515Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : regional appendix Welsh region
516Procurement legislation and the NRA : a brief guide
517Survey of copper speciation in the Great Ouse estuary
518Sustainable development indicators : monitoring change in the East Midlands
519Technical Support Materials for the Regulation of Radioactively Contaminated Land
520The impact of climate change on severe droughts: Implications for decision making
521The Potential For Generating Hydro-Electricity From Weirs
522The Potential For Aquifer Storage And Recovery In England And Wales
523Water resources for the future : a strategy for Midlands Region
524Water resources for the future : a strategy for Southern region
525The feasibility of biomanipulation in reservoirs and deeper lakes : draft final report