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176The Delineation and Characterisation of Groundwater Bodies to Meet the Requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive
177Thames estuary benthic programme : inferences on the pollution status of the Thames estuary from the macrobenthic community structure
178Contaminants entering the sea : data appendix : data on contaminant loads entering the seas around England and Wales for the years 1990-1993
179Investigations into the extent of saline water ingress into the River Parrett and the River Tone : February, March 1994
180State of the environment 2001 : the Environment agency's contribution to a better environment in the South East
181A desk study to assess the compliance of the River Fowey with the EC Surface Water Abstraction Directive : June 1997 COR/97/024
182Managing the drought and water resources : key issues statements approved by the board of the NRA June 1992
183Planning for the rising tides - the Humber Estuary - consultation on managed realignment: information for the landowners and tenants - June 2002
184A litter assessment of two major tributaries of the Taff, the Cynon and the Rhondda : surveyed March - April 1990
185Discharge consent and compliance policy : a blueprint for the future : the NRA's response to the public consultation
186The impact of ferruginous minewater break-outs on the environmental quality of the Rivers Rhymney, Ebbw and Sirhowy : summary report
187An appraisal of the options for the structure of the water resources function in Thames Region NRA
188Sustainable water resources for the future : values and challenges : consultation document for the Environment Agency's water resources strategies : the Anglian perspective
189Radioactive Substances Act 1993 : response to comments on the Scope and methodology for the full re-examination of the Sellafield authorisations for the disposal of radioactive waste
190The water environment - our cultural heritage
191Snapshots of the environment : enhancing biodiversity
192Information on the status of salmon stocks
193Surveying and tracking salmon in the sea
194The Sea Trout Stock Collapse, 1989-1992
195Aerial view of the River Laboratory
196Drought in the South : in depth
197Chew Magna : reducing the risk of flooding
198The River Lark project Model Manual
199Factors affecting salmon in the sea
200The Environment Agency's risk portfolio June 2000