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51Study of the behaviour and impact of two sewage treatment works of the Thames catchment
52Integrated appraisal of the Environment Agency's water quality policies : role of the FWR manual
53Investigation into the chemicals present and entering the Stover Lake, Stover Country Park
54A review of the performance of Aldershot STW and its effect on the River Blackwater
55The Distribution Of Phytoplankton And Nutrients In The North East Irish Sea During 1996;
56Report on the control of discharges of titanium dioxide waste to the Humber Estuary : main report
57Investigation of the impact on water quality of the SWW Teign estuary sewerage trenching activity
58Biological investigation into the impact of the storm overflow at Middle Marwood Sewage Treatment Works
59An investigation into the water quality of the River Waldon during wet weather
60Investigation into the 1999 failure of the European Community bathing waters directive at Beer beach (2001)
61The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales - The Chalk Of Lincolnshire;
62Fish and the Ecological Assessment of Lakes and Rivers for the Water Framework Directive
63Technical Summary - Appraisal of the Impact of Multiple Retailers Quality Assurance Schemes on the Environment
64The Distribution Of Phytoplankton And Nutrients In The North East Irish Sea During 1997;
65Ecological effects of discharges from watercress farms on the chalk-streams of the NRA Wessex Region
66Investigate the feasibility of applying quality methods and standards within the water resources function.
67Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Water Fringe Option Scheme on Environmental Quality
68Swords water quality study - phase 1 : modelling the water quality of the River Thames
69National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 3 : the Wash to the Thames
70Investigation of the water quality in the Buckland stream up and downstream of East/West Buckland
71The Effect of Atrazine Exposure on the Timing of Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Smolt Emigration
72Further surveys to elucidate the distribution of the fine-lined pea mussel Pisidium tenuilineatum Stelfox, 1918
73The Distribution of Phytoplankton and Nutrients in the North East Irish Sea During 1998
74Biological assessment of the effects of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment Works on the River Erme
75The impact of land use on salmonids (Report 30) : a study of the River Torridge catchment