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551An investigation into the frequency of discharge of three combined sewer overflows in the Afan/Kenfig catchment : TM/EAW/96/06
552Contaminants entering the sea : a report on contaminant loads entering the seas around England and Wales 1990-1993
553NRA report of the blue-green algal monitoring 1990 : a report by the toxic blue-green algae task group
554Options for transfer of water from the River Trent and reservoir storage at Great Bradley : technical summary of the feasibility report
555The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales: The Permo-Triassic Sandstones Of Cumbria, North-West England;
556PhD Research. Gary Stephen Rushworth. The role of aquatic macroinvertebrates within reedswamps
558The River Eden Demonstration Test Catchment (DTC) Data
5591967 - IBP Lake George, Uganda - starting to build the bedroom block
560Environmental snapshot for the East of England [version 1]
561The regulation of salmon angling in Great Britain
562Disturbing the season's due: plankton periodicity in Grassmere, 1987
563The Evaluation of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Equipment
564Modelling phytoplankton development in the proposed Cardiff Bay Barrage
565Dead zones, live markers: the biological environments of larger U.K. Rivers
566The Impact Of Particulate Outputs Associated With Timber Harvesting
567The evaluation of Grant/YSU 3800 water quality monitor
568PVC : an evaluation using the Natural Step framework
569Recommendations For The Processing And Presentation Of Groundwater Quality Data
570Landfill and the water environment : NRA position statement
571The vision for our environment : making it happen
572Environment Agency guidance on the conditioning of intermediate level waste
573Quality audit of biological samples for the 1991 river quality survey
574Pesticides in the aquatic environment 1997 full report
575The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : consultation report : November 1994