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326Trevone Bay beach EC bathing water guideline non-compliance : investigation into the Trevone Stream : final report
327Planning application for the proposed Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme January 1991
328Hope Cove : non-compliance in 1998 with the European Community bathing water directive (76/160/EEC)
329Investigation into the storm overflow discharge regime of Hill Barton Seawage Treatment Works Okehampton
330River Meavy salmon and sea trout populations : assessment of the impact of flows
331River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology : summary of a recommendations for the River Wissey (OI/526)
332Research and development 2000 : a strategy for the research and development support service : version 2
333The impact of climate change on severe droughts: River-flow reconstructions and implied groundwater levels
334Greatham Creek tidal defences inter regional review : prepared for the purposes of legal proceedings
335Shrewsbury flood alleviation scheme : options for the remaining areas of Shrewsbury : scoping report January 2002
336The results of Tawe barrage post-impoundment salmon and sea trout telemetry study 1992
337An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. April 2001 - March 2002
338Alleviation of low flow studies : the River Avon and its tributaries near Malmesbury : towards a solution
339A report on water quality issues within the Midford Brook catchment - June 1996
340Guardians of the water environment : NRA Welsh Region (bilingual) : Diogelwyr amgyllchedd dwr : rhanbarth Cymru
341Biological characteristics and exploitation of sea trout in the River Tywi during 1989
342The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : consultation report summary : November 1994
343River Glen : river channel assessment : annex E : instream habitat assessment of the River Glen, Lincolnshire
344A study to investigate and propose remedies for river quality problems in the Madford catchment
345Regional river quality monitoring and surveillance : results of the 1990/1991 biological survey : draft report
346Impact assessment of Meldon quarry on water quality in the West Okement river
347The government's policy for a public regulatory body in a privatised water industry
348Annual classification of river water quality 1992 : numbers of samples exceeding the quality standard
349The Impact Of Grazing And Upland Management On Erosion And Runoff: Additional Information
350A report into the impact of small dam construction at Delford bridge, De Lank river