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351Problems with sea trout and salmon in the Western Highlands
352Clear Options towards an operational model for the Lee Valley Reservoirs
353Introductory guidance on the Agency's contribution to sustainable development (SD1)
354The National Centre for Toxic and Persistent Substances
355Acidification of freshwaters: the threat and its mitigation
356Pearl Mussel Image: First out of the blocks
357FWR - User guide for assessing the impact of combined sewer overflows
358The National Centre for Environmental Data and Surveillance : general leaflet
359Project management and the scheme of delegation : a summary guide : April 1995
360The groundwater regulations (Bilingual) : Rheoliadau dwr daear (Bilingual)
361The Use of Immuno Based Techniques for Chemical Analysis
362Snapshots of the environment : integrated river basin management
363Land drainage byelaws 1981 and the Thames region flood defence byelaws 1991
364The evaluation of EDT QSE 334 ammonium ion selective electrode (220/17/T)
365The evaluation of ingold ion selective ammonium electrode (220/23/T)
366Stratification in the Severn Estuary- Physical aspects and biological consequences
367Catches of migratory fish in the River Don, Aberdeenshire
368An Independent Review of the Defra/EA Research and Development Joint
369Dissemination of the Revitalised FEH Rainfall-runoff Method
370General guide to the prevention of water pollution
371Guidance for the Development of Housing on Land Affected by Contamination
372Guidance on the use of Soil Screening Values for Ecological Risk Assessment
373Highway runoff: Effects of soluble pollutants on the ecology of receiving waters
374Life cycle assessment of disposable and reusable nappies in the UK
375Managing the social aspects of flooding: Synthesis Report