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351East Devon public water supply strategy as assessment of the hydrological impact of the Wimbleball pump storage scheme at key sites on the River Exe
352Biological Assessment Methods: Controlling the Quality of Biological Data. Package 1 The variability of data used for assessing the biological condition of rivers
353Response to questions posed by Northumbrian Water Authority, with special reference to the fisheries implications of the operation of the Kielder Water Scheme
354Report on the national marine analytical quality control scheme 1992/93 (MPMMG 93/12) : presented to the October 1993 meeting of the Marine Pollution Monitoring Management Group
355A map of the Queen Elizabeth National Park and the area in which the IBP L. George team were situated from late 1966 to 1972.
356The effects of ammonia in discharges from Hogsmill STW on the water quality of the River Thames at Teddington : Summer 1990 an update
3571995 drought report : a report on the severity of the drought of 1995 and its effect in the Severn and Trent catchments
358Pesticides in the aquatic environment : report of the National Rivers Authority, prepared by the National Centre for Toxic and Persistant Substances (TAPS)
359The Role of Bankside Habitat in River Ecology: The importance of riparian and marginal vegetation on the distribution and abundance of aquatice invertebrates
360The Movements of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) and Sea Trout (Salmo trutta L.) Smolts in the Impounded Estuary of the R.Tawe, South Wales
361The effects of water resources management on the rivers Bure, Wensum and Nar in North Norfolk : Final project report to the National Rivers Authority. July 1994
362The new waterlands? Proceedings of a one day seminar organised by the Sussex Wildlife Trust as part of the RSNC Wildlife Trusts Parnership Water For Wildlife campaign
363Audit surveys in the NRA Thames region : a report on the surveys carried out in 1992/93 to assess the retention and enhancement of wildlife habitats during routine dredging operations
364Measures to safeguard public water supplies : a second report to the Secretary of State for the Environment on the drought of 1995
365Preliminary assessment of the ability of Restormel fish counter to enumerate the passage of migratory salmonids on the River Fowey : Cornwall Area Fisheries Science Team
366The Movements of Salmon (Salmo salar L.) and Sea Trout (Salmo trutta L.) Smolts in the Lower River and Estuary of the River Conwy, North Wales
367Report on the results of a comparison of data from two surveys of the microfauna of the wash carried out in 1991 and 1993
368Factual report on the boreholes and installation of standpipes for the combined investigations in connection with the East Ruston common SSSI Alleviation Scheme
369A study of the mayfly parasite Spiriopsis adipophila, Arvy and Peters (1972) (=Sprininella adipophila, Arvy and Delage 1966) in Ephemera danica from the River Pang, a tributary of the River Thames
370Warming to the idea : meeting the challenge of climate change in the South West : summary report : south west region climate change impacts scoping study
371A field guide to the British seaweeds : as required for assistance in the classification of water bodies under the Water Framework Directive
372Investigations into the status of fisheries, biological and water quality in the River Pelenna catchment, prior to the treatment of discharges from abandoned coal mines : PL/EAW/95/3
373Meiofaunal assemblages of the Thames Estuary, April 1989-March 1990 : modules I-III : a study of the meiofaunal communities present in sediment samples collected by the National Rivers Authority, Thames Region
374Survey of the biological quality of creek systems in the outer Thames Estuary, with special reference to the impact of STW and landfill site discharges
375Recorded data from the Black Bridge weather station (weather station 2) in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2011