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26Groundwater-surface Water Interactions in the Hyporheic Zone
27General guide to the prevention of pollution of controlled water
28The Occurrence of Sheep Dip Pesticides in Environmental Waters June 1997
29Steady-state particle tracking in the object-orientated regional groundwater model ZOOMQ3D
30Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
31The Hydrogeological Classification of Superficial Clay: Methodology of Map Production
32Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : Thames Region appendix
33Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater - Anglian Region appendix
34Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : summary document
35Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
36Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater - NRA leaflet
37The fuel additive MTBE - a groundwater protection issue?
38Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : draft for consultation
39Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
40Protection of the Water Environment using Balancing Facilities
41Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : regional appendix Anglian region
42Attenuation of nitrate in the sub-surface environment
43Further Validation of PHABSIM for the Habitat Requirements of Salmonid Fish
44Fact sheet for the RBCA tool kit for chemical releases
45A Review Of The Impact Of Microbiological Contaminants In Groundwater
46Technical basis for the predicted impacts of relocating Redgrave abstraction to Borehole B
47An approach to hydrogeological assessment of Quaternary deposits in the UK: Part 1 Background
48The impact of climate change on severe droughts: River-flow reconstructions and implied groundwater levels
49Costs and benefits Associated with Remidiation of Contaminated Groundwater - A Review of the Issues
50The disposal of sheep dip waste (R and D Report 11) : effects on water quality