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501The application of toxicity-based criteria for the regulatory control of wastewater dicharges Response compendium March 1997
502Rising groundwater levels in the chalk-basal sands aquifer of the Central London Basin. Progress report, March 1996
503Continuous water quality monitoring results collected from the river Torridge at Cockshilhay and Beam Bridge for the EU UWWTD
504Water quality objectives: procedures used by the NRA for the purpose of surface waters river ecosystem) (classification) regulations 1994
505Mercury, methylmercury and copper in the River Yare, Norfolk : summary of a report to the National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region
506Second interim report on the environmental impacts of the drought on Yorkshire's rivers April 1995 to April 1996
507Interim report on the environmental impacts of the drought on Yorkshire rivers April 1995 to April 1996
508A report on the 1992 strategic stock assessment survey of the upper Eden catchment with particular reference to salmonids
509River Darent low flow alleviation. Annex 3 : plan for the Darent : report of the joint NRA/TWUL project team
510Conservation and recreation : the Wye challenge : towards a management strategy for the River Wye : summary report (bilingual)
511Implementation of environmental accounting : the way ahead for a new "green agency" : submitted for the Open University Open Business School MBA
512Regulation guidance and direction making powers in the Environment Act 1995 in relation to the Environment Agency
513Opportunities for change : the Environment Agency's response to the government consultation paper on a revised UK strategy for sustainable development
514An assessment of the impact of Berkhamsted and Maple Lodge STWs on the Grand Union canal based on macroinvertebrate surveys
515An Assessment of Cormorant Depredation on Stillwater Coarse Fish Populations in the Lea and Colne Valleys of the Thames Catchment
516Water framework directive : guiding principles on the technical requirements (summary) : accompanying summary to the Environment Agency consultation document
517A biological investigation of the affects of discharges from Meldon quarry on the West Okemont River - 8/08/89 and 20/09/89
518An investigation into the elevated BOD levels at Brocken Bridge (R30H001) on the Barnstaple Yeo [DEV/E/20/95]
519An investigation to determine if Great Torrington STW is the cause of elevated copper and zinc concentrations in the River Torridge
520A preliminary investigation into the extent of saline ingress into Curry Moor from the River Tone, January 1994
521Modelling the contribution from non-agricultural sources to nitrate pollution in the Sor Brook (Thames Region) (UC 3134)
522A desk top study into the probable causes of poor water quality at Higher Hollacombe Farm (RO5K013) on the Hollacombe Lake
523Procedure for quality assurance for RIVPACS compatible macro-invertebrate samples analysed to the taxonomic level needed for the BMWP-score system
524Assessment of the Trophic Status of Rivers using Macrophytes - supporting documentation for evaluation of the Mean Trophic Rank
525The Economics of No-Spray Zones - a Study of the Risks and Benefits of Pesticide No-Spray Restrictions