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251Technical basis for the predicted impacts of relocating Redgrave abstraction to Borehole B
252River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology : summary of a recommendations for the River Wissey (OI/526)
253Mercury and methylmercury in the river Yare, Norfolk (1986 - 1992) : executive summary (OI/420/9/A)
254Investigation of tecnazene contamination in the Chyandour Brook west Cornwall during spring 1990
255The Redgrave and Lopham Fens alleviation scheme : impact of options study : report to NRA Anglian Region
256National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 7 : Lands End to the Severn Estuary
257Greatham Creek tidal defences inter regional review : prepared for the purposes of legal proceedings
258Quantification of the relationship between effluent quality and biological quality : interim report for stage 1
259Shrewsbury flood alleviation scheme : options for the remaining areas of Shrewsbury : scoping report January 2002
260Biological report of the 1992 coastal and estuarine survey from Crosby to Glasson
261Devon area internal report - further investigations into pipe discharges in the Lower Teign estuary
262Alleviation of low flow studies : the River Avon and its tributaries near Malmesbury : towards a solution
263A change to your licence and the environment : key facts about Anglian region
264National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 11 : Great Orme to the Solway Firth
265Do you want to make a difference? : Environment Agency student placements in the Midlands Region
266The environmental economy of England's northwest : a driver for economic and social progress : executive summary
267Report on the By Brook low flow investigations : October 2001 : volume 2 : (figures, maps and appendices)
268River Glen : river channel assessment : annex E : instream habitat assessment of the River Glen, Lincolnshire
269A study to investigate and propose remedies for river quality problems in the Madford catchment
270Regional river quality monitoring and surveillance : results of the 1990/1991 biological survey : draft report
271Impact assessment of Meldon quarry on water quality in the West Okement river
272Biological report of the 1991 coastal and estuarine survey from Crosby to Glasson
273Less sensitive areas and candidate high natural dispersion areas in the North West region
274Annual classification of river water quality 1992 : numbers of samples exceeding the quality standard
275Investigation into the intermittent failure of Wembury Beach to comply with EC bathing water