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1Water resources for the future : a strategy for the East Midlands
2Water resources for the future : a strategy for the East Midlands
3Water resources for the future : a strategy for the West Midlands
4Water resources for the future : a strategy for the West Midlands
5Sustainable water resources for the future : values and challenges : consultation document for the Environment Agency's water resources strategies : the Anglian perspective
6Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Anglian Region
7Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for North East Region
8Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Midlands Region
9Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for North West Region
10Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for South West region
11Review of flood defence practices on the Somerset Levels and Moors : the report
12Water resources for the future : a strategy for Midlands Region
13Water resources for the future : a strategy for Southern region
14Suffolk estuarine strategies : Deben estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
15Suffolk estuarine strategies : Alde and Ore estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
16Waste : strategic waste management survey : landfill within the East Midlands planning region
17Water resources for the future : a strategy for North East Region
18Water related recreation strategy for the southern region : consultation draft 1997
19Report on the By Brook low flow investigations : October 2001 : volume 2 : (figures, maps and appendices)
20Report on the By Brook low flow investigations : October 2001 : volume 1 : report
21Striking the right balance : Somerset Levels and Moors water level management strategy review