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26The Wear catchment (river factfiles)
27State of the environment in the South West 2006
28Managing the Humber Estuary : the Environment Agency's approach
29The role of REPACS in fostering institutional trust in the Environment Agency
30The Environment Agency's state of the environment report for Thames Region
31River Darent : strategy for the enhancement of the River Darent, Kent
32State of the environment in the South West 2005
33Improving the environment in the West Midlands region : Midlands local contribution 2006/11
34The Implications Of Climate Change For The Environment Agency
35Abandoned mines and the water environment : report of the National Rivers Authority
36The National Rivers Authority's response to the sixteenth report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution on freshwater quality
37State of the environment 2001 : the Environment agency's contribution to a better environment in the South East
38Snapshots of the environment : enhancing biodiversity
39Surveying and tracking salmon in the sea
40Factors affecting salmon in the sea
41A Review of the Application of
42Snapshots of the environment : regulating major industry
43Information [on the NRA Anglian Region]
44Environmental snapshot for the Anglian region 2002
45Refuse fill for the construction of seawalls
46Synoptic State of the Environment Monitoring
47Lake restoration : the role of biomanipulation : a one day seminar held in the Broads 18th March 1993 : organised by the National Rivers Authority and the Broads Authority
48Achieving the quality (Bilingual) : Sicrhau Ansawdd (Bilingual)
49Factors affecting the dispersal of coarse fish
50River water quality in the Midlands 1997